Saturday, August 8, 2020

Create jupyter notebook connection using SSH


Ensure server is accessible using ssh

1.  Log in with port forwarding

ssh -L 8000:localhost:8888 sammy@your_server_ip

2. Activate environment

source ~/environments/my_env/bin/activate

3. Run jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook

4. Access jupyter from local browser


Create docker image from anaconda environment


1. Create project as follows

├── Dockerfile
├── environment.yml
└── src

2. Dump yml environment file

conda env export > environment.yml

3. Create Dockerfile as follows

FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2

COPY environment.yml /opt/env/
RUN conda env update -n base -f /opt/env/environment.yml \
    && conda clean -afy

4. Run Dockerfile

docker build -t stk:latest .

Install docker on Ubuntu


Section: Install using the convenience script

$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sudo sh

<output truncated>

If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider adding your user to the “docker” group with something like:

  sudo usermod -aG docker your-user

Remember to log out and back in for this to take effect!

The Docker service needs to be setup to run at startup. To do so, type in each command followed by enter:

sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Log out

$ logout

Then run docker example

docker run -it ubuntu bash


docker run hello-world

Loud fan of desktop

 Upon restart the fan of the desktop got loud again. I cleaned the desktop from the dust but it was still loud (Lower than the first sound) ...