Sunday, July 7, 2019

[SPYDER] Dark theme

If you can't wait for Spyder 4 - this is what does it for Spyder 3.3.2 in Windows, using Anaconda3.
  1. Exit Spyder
  2. Open command prompt or Anaconda prompt
  3. Run pip install qdarkstyle and exit the prompt
  4. Go to ...\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\spyder\utils and open
  5. Add import qdarkstyle to the top of that file
  6. Replace the qapplication function definition with below code (only two added lines)
  7. Save and close the file
  8. Open Spyder and enjoy your dark theme
    def qapplication(translate=True, test_time=3):
        Return QApplication instance
        Creates it if it doesn't already exist
        test_time: Time to maintain open the application when testing. It's given
        in seconds
        if running_in_mac_app():
            SpyderApplication = MacApplication
            SpyderApplication = QApplication
        app = SpyderApplication.instance()
        if app is None:
            # Set Application name for Gnome 3
            app = SpyderApplication(['Spyder'])
            # Set application name for KDE (See issue 2207)
        if translate:
        test_ci = os.environ.get('TEST_CI_WIDGETS', None)
        if test_ci is not None:
            timer_shutdown = QTimer(app)
        return app
  9. Go to Tools -> Preferences ->Syntax coloring
  10. Choose 'Zenburn' scheme
  11. Click edit selected
  12. Change background color using screen color picker

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