Saturday, August 21, 2021

Deploy Python container on Kubernetes cluster on GCP


  • Purpose

The goal of this blog is to show how a docker container can be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. The motivation of deploying containers is as follows

Once you build a container, you may want to scale it up and down according to the changing demand. TO do that, Kubernetes has a Loadbalancer which distributes http requests over a set of Nodes.

Kubernetes architecture

A Kubernetes cluster is formed of nodes. A node can be either worker or master node

Within each Node there are multiple pods. A container is deployed on a pod and the load balancer distributes the requests across the nodes and pods

Build a container

  • On cloud shell create a folder and place the following files

  • Thats how the Dockerfile looks like

  • Build the container using gcloud command

  • Create a Kubernetes cluster using this command- Change the number of nodes as you wish

  • You can change the number of nodes by modifying the deployment.yaml file as follows

  • Then apply this as follows

  • To modify the ports of the loadbalancer edit the services.yaml file as follows

  • To get the IP to call type the following command

  • Just place this IP in the browser and the container will run

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